Handheld camera's

Due to the fact that we don't have professional equipment at our disposal our shots are likely to be shaky when their is walking or running involved. other shots can be kept still using tripods. There have been a few films which have been filmed using hand held cameras. In the case of cloverfield it makes the story more believable and the viewer can place themselves in that situation. Special effects are harder when the camera is shaking which makes what you are seeing more believable. another film which used handheld cameras was the Blair Witch project.On to the subject of advertisement, Cloverfield and blair witch project relied heavily on advertising especially the internet, the makes of the films would only release certain information about the film which then led to speculation as to what the films are about which then leads to interest.


I have chosen A2 media studies brief number 2 which includes the following

A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options:

  • A website homepage for the film

  • A film magazine front cover, featuring the film

  • A poster for the film

I have decided to produce a poster for my film advertising it and to produce a magazine front cover which will provide extra advertisement for the film.

The next steps are to research existing film websites and posters to look at the codes and conventions of them and also to see what computer software I might need to help me produce the two briefs, my first thoughts are that I will need a piece of photo editing software such as Photoshop. However, that is very expensive so a free alternative would be to download GIMP (the GNU image manipulation program) which is a piece of free photo editing software which has similar characteristics to Photoshop. It is available to download from their website http://www.gimp.org/. To produce the website I will need a piece of specialized software such as Adobe Dreamweaver, another alternative to Dreamweaver is Kompozer which is a free alternative. http://www.kompozer.net/. The poster can be produced in many ways. It can be made in Microsoft Word, Publisher or a free program called Scribus which allows you to create page layouts. http://www.scribus.net/

After acquiring the right software the next step is to research the target audience and identify what genre the film trailer should be, this can be done through the use of various methods such as questionnaires and mind mapping ideas. By using questionnaires I can get the views of many people and analyse the results through multiple methods such as charts and graphs. Graphs and charts provide a clear precise method of analysing data.