Results of questionnaire

I Produced a questionnaire which was made up of 13 questions which i thought would help me the most to understand how to produce a good film trailer. Above are the results of 5 of the questions which are the most relevant to the project. The questionnaires were given to 20 people of my age. I thought this was important because i have already identified my target audience which is 16-25 year olds.


blizzblog said...

Liam you should now devise a more detailed questionnaire OR interview to get more specific information for your intended trailer.

blizzblog said...

Still waiting for additions to your blog! Storyboards, research etc.

blizzblog said...

Liam, where's all the stuff you promised? YOu need to get blogging so I can feedback and get comments from others too.
Is there a problem?

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