Evaluation: How did you use media technologies in the contruction and research, planning and evaluation stages

Media technologies were a very important part of this project and were used all of the time and at each different stage. We of course used a blog to upload all of our work including images and videos, blogs are becoming very popular now because it allows people to show off their work to the world and gain feedback from the readers of their work. All of my research and planning and evaluation was done on this website which is calledhttp://www.blogger.com/. I also used the very popular video website 'youtube' which has
millions of videos created by non media giants, it has allowed the average person with a basic
camera to create content that millions can view and enjoy, it has created some internet superstars
such as 'star wars kid' and 'numa numa guy'. I used youtube for the research part of the blog by
copying the embedded code into the blog so a video could be viewed.

Later on i also uploaded my finished trailer to youtube so i could get comments and gain feedback off

To edit my trailer i used a piece of software called Adobe Premier pro which in the end was very easy to use and edit film. I was able to crop scenes and add sounds with ease after getting used to it.

Whenever i edited an image or even just cropped it to put on this blog i used the graphic manipulation software called GIMP which is a free alternative to photoshop which i downloaded for free off the internet at this address www.gimp.org/


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