Stalker film magazine front cover

For the the other task i decided to create a front cover for a film magazine, because we weren't allowed to use an existing magazine i had to come up with my own name and design, i decided on the name "popcorn" as i thought it was film related, not only that but most magazines have a short title which is written in bold writing so it can be clearly seen on the shelf of a shop for example empire and an example from another genre is FHM, so i decided to follow this convention. I thought popcorn sounded like a modern name for a new film magazine and is related to watching the latest films in cinemas. Here is what it looks like

The main piece of editing i done was on the image of the person, i cropped out the background and made the image darker using the graphic manipulation software called GIMP, as i mentioned before this is the free alternative to photoshop. This is how i edited the photo:

I first loaded up the software

I then opened up the picture in GIMP

I used the free select tool to cut away the background, once the background had been removed i was able to put the image of the woods in its place like this:

I changed the brightness of the person to make them more mysterious and to hide their identity, not only that but it shows that they have two sides to them beacause one side is lighter than the other which the reader can read in to. This is how i changed the brightness:

This is what the final image looks like without all of the magazine front cover content


blizzblog said...

I like the font and the way it's used across the media products.

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