unedited footage

This is the footage that i have captured for the trailer, i must now begin to edit it. One problem that i have found is that my actors were laughing after each scene had finished and sometimes while it was still going so i am going to have to edit these bits out or it will completely ruin the image of horror and terror which i am trying to show.

After a few attempts at editing the software i have found it difficult to get used to, however, i am going to look at online guides which will guide me through how it works and what each button does, i will show the edited footage later on in the blog. I feel that i have enough time to 'mess around' with the software so i can fully understand how it works. Another alternative would be to use windows movie maker but that program is very basic and i will not be able to get the same finish, Adobe premier pro is much more advanced and has many more features.

Adobe Premiere pro

Windows Movie Maker


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