Location shots

In the storyboard i decided on some locations that i felt would be the right setting for a horror trailer, after this i went out and looked at various locations to see if they would follow the conventions of horror films which are secluded or enclosed locations. due to the nature of the film it was also important that i found a location that gave the impression of being surrounded by trees, here are the location shots of where i will film my trailer.




Shot location 1 was taken in a car park in yaverland, i will film the scene where the camera looks into the rear view mirror to see the attacker sitting in the back seat, i decided this was the best place to do it because at night time the car park is empty so it gives the impression there is no one around, this also made sure that there were no members of the public in the shot which would have ruined the effect.

Shot location 2 was were i would shoot the scene where i am running through the forest being chased by the attacker, i chose this place because there is plenty of room to run but when filmed it gives the impression of being surrounded by trees

Shot location 3 is a secluded road i found which is perfect for filming on because it is quiet and therefore there is no traffic to interrupt filming, due to the fact some of the scenes involve using a car finding a quiet road was vital.


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