Horror trailer analysis

I am going to analyse the film trailer for paranormal activity which has been a massive hit and attracted millions of viewers, like my film trailer the whole thing is shot using handhel cameras to add to the sense of realsim, this technique has also been used in films such as cloverfield and blair witch project, these two films are similar because they aim to scare the audience by making the footage seem real and as if it has just been found.

Paranormal activity like blair witch project gained popularity through advertising the film before it came out, paranormal activity did something different though, they made people sign a petition if they wanted the film to be shown in their local area so people got hyped up about the film and started asking questions like "what is it all about?" This increases popularity and makes people curious about the film. This trailer isn't like most trailers, it is a mix of footage from the film and footage of peoples reaction in the cinema audience, before the film came out it was said to be the scariest film ever, by showing footage of people looking scared, jumpy and even distressed it makes people believe that it really will be scary which ultimately wants people to go and see it. They also use quotes from film magazines including ones like "paranormal activity is one of the scariest movies of all time"

After looking at various trailers i have decided that it would be best to create a teaser trailer for my film i think the most the trailer should last is one minute, in that time the viewer will be able to find out some information without ruining the whole story. The definition of a teaser trailer is as follows "a preliminary advertisement in a campaign that attracts attention by making people curious to know what product is being advertised" (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/teaser. This is what my trailer is going to do along with the poster and film magazine front cover.


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