Stalker film poster

After looking at the conventions of horror film posters i have produced my own one for my trailer this is it.

Overall i have followed the conventions of horror posters but one thing i decided to change was to leave out the villain from the poster as i wanted to create a sense of unknown and mystery about the story, this is backed up by the films slogan "something is out there". looking at the poster the reader will just see an empty forest and wonder what is lurking inside, this will ultimately make them want to find out, this was the method used by the blair witch team, despite only having around $500,000 to make the actual film they managed to make a staggering $248,639,099 worldwide. The stalker logo is the most prominent thing on the poster as the red font and size of the logo stands out from the rest. This is important because the logo will become a brand and it is how the film will be recognised. In the lead up to the film this font/logo will be seen all over the internet and in film magazines. The overall design is very basic but it is important that the reader is only given a few hints about the story and when the film is released, from my poster all that can be read is that it will be set in a forest location and that "something is out there". Another convention i noticed with all of the posters i looked at was the use of dark colours which set the horror feel, i've decided to take it one further by having a black and white theme and to just use red on two sections, this puts more emphasis on the color red which has the connotation of blood, this hints to the viewer that this film may be gory.

I produced the poster using various software including Publisher to put all of the poster together and a piece of free photo editing software called G.I.M.P. which i used as an alternative to photoshop because i didn't have access to it at home.


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