Finished movie trailer

Here is my teaser movie trailer for my horror film called stalker

Overall the production of the film trailer went very well, after getting over the intial problem of knowing how to use the software i managed to get used to all of the buttons and what they did, i also worked out how to download sound files from the website, this website contains 100's of different sound files kept under different categories including one called 'horror, scary, halloween'. After looking at other examples of horror trailers and ones from other genres i took some of the conventions and implemented them in to mine , including the green rating screen at the beginning of trailers, the logo of the production company which shows who made the film and some filming techniques which have been used in horror trailers before. My favorite part of the trailer starts at 0.30 and ends at 0.40, in this bit i have edited it so there is a black screen between each bit of filming so it gives the impression of skipping time and also gives the impression that they have been running for a while, i also added a heartbeat sound effect in the background while this is happening so it gives the impression that the person running is panicking and skipping a beat. Adding heartbeat sound effects is a convention from horror films because it adds suspense and the viewer thinks something is about to happen so it makes them tense, this is what horror films are meant to do.


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